Eran Sakal

Frontend Technical Lead

Check out my

About Me

Hey there, I'm Eran Sakal, a software developer who's been at it for over 21 years! I was born in Israel and I've been tinkering with code since I was a kid. I love building awesome products, but let's be real, it's a tough gig. That's why I lead my teams with enthusiasm and respect, while keeping it real.



The list below represents my preferred technology stack, I use other libraries and frameworks and challenge the stack when possible, but the list below is relatively stable


  • Languages

    Javascript, Typescript
  • Frameworks

    React. AngularX (but I prefer to use React nowadays)
  • App State

    XState (feature/area state), Redux (application state), React-Query / useSWR (lists managed by the server)
  • UI

    CSS-in-JS, MUI 5, Chakra-UI, SCSS
  • Awesome libraries

    React-Hook-Form, Moment.js, Joi
  • Jamstack

    Next.js (I use this library mostly), Remix
  • Others

    Electron, Storybook
  • Code-reviews

    Reviewable! Reviewable! Reviewable!
  • Tech Leading

    Design, Consult, Fine-tune requirements, Conduct code reviews, Delegate and Mentor



Owning dev-ops skills as a developer is a must nowadays, although maintaining the dev-op scripts is tedious and can drive anyone crazy, including me. Luckily I discovered NRWL Nx, and I use it in all my projects as it is the best framework to date


  • Build Platform

    NRWL Nx
  • Transpilers

    Webpack, Babel, Rollup
  • Data ORM, TypeORM
  • CI/CD

    Nelify, Vercel, Github Actions
  • DIY

    Useful Node.js CLI scripts

Soft Skills

    Team Player
    Problem Solver

My Timeline

You can filter the timeline using the tags below:

    All (12)

    Present Projects (4)

    Community Projects (3)

    React (4)

    Nest.JS (1)

    Kaltura (4)

    Work Projects (9)

    AngularX (1)

    Melingo (1)

    Tvinci (1)

    Matrix (1)


Community Projects

Homefunds Project | 

Automate the import process of your financial transactions in Israel

Feb 2021 - Present

The 'Homefunds' application utilizes the 'israeli-bank-scrapers' open-source library by adding a use...


  • Backend:


  • Frontend:

    React, Chakra-UI, React-Query, Recoil

  • Data: (ORM), Postgres (Database)

Useful links

  • Information about the 'israeli-bank-scrapers' library
  • A comment I wrote that reflect the risks of using open-source to scrape financial transactions without proper API
  • Caspion - an open-source Electorn application that does exactly what I mentioned above

Work Projects


Kaltura | 

React widgets

Jun 2020 - Dec 2020

Disclaimer: I don't share concrete details about products of my current and previous workplaces. I do share the technology stack and mention some people I have worked with.


  • React widgets (ESM/UMD)
  • Plugin based infrastructure
  • Host agnostic (as long it supports Javascript)
  • Comprehensive theme customizations
  • Powerful backoffice with real-time updates
  • JWT based authentication


  • Frontend:

    React, React-Query, i18next

  • Dev-ops:

    NRWL Nx, Github Actions, Vercel, Storybook, Rollup

  • Code Reviews:

    Reviewable (amazing service - you should try it out)

Appreciation to people and services

Yair Neumann

Yair is one of my favorite Product people I have worked with. He has an outstanding balanc...

Shai Ainvoner

Shai has joined a project I tech-lead due to unexpected obstacles. We needed more develope...

Stas Kohut

Stas and I have worked together for many years. He is one of the best colleagues you can i...

Amir Chervinski

In every company that I worked at, I always had one person I completely opened to. My wife...

Dana Raviv

Dana is a super designer. She is a combination of uncompromising professionalism, immersed...


Community Projects

Israeli Bank Scraper

Mar 2018 - Present

I have joined the 'israeli-bank-scrapers' open-source library team as a maintainer while searching f...


  • Maintain the scrapers and make sure they function correctly
  • Convert the library into Typescript
  • Automatic deployments
  • Deploy a customized library suitable to Electron app


  • Language:


  • Framework:


  • Transpiler:


Useful links

  • A post about budgeting
  • library Github repository

Appreciation to people and services

Elad Shaham

The founder of the library. Professional developer and a kind person


Work Projects



Jan 2009 - Jan 2011

Disclaimer: I don't share concrete details about products of my current and previous workplaces. I do share the technology stack and mention some people I have worked with.

Appreciation to people and services

Itai Rolnick

My brother-in-law. Itai's ability to provide highly insightful and accurate observations a...

Work Projects


Kaltura | 

Yet another React based project

Jan 2021 - Present

Disclaimer: I don't share concrete details about products of my current and previous workplaces. I do share the technology stack and mention some people I have worked with.

A challenging yet super exciting project where we provide a real-time communication experience to a broad audience.


  • Frontend:

    React, Redux (and friends), Material-UI, i18next, joi, etc

  • Dev-ops:

    NRWL Nx, Github Actions, Neltify, Storybook

  • Code Reviews:

    Reviewable (amazing service - you should try it out)

Appreciation to people and services

Amir Chervinski

In every company that I worked at, I always had one person I completely opened to. My wife...

Stas Kohut

Stas and I have worked together for many years. He is one of the best colleagues you can i...

Work Projects


Kaltura | 

Rich Studio application

Jan 2020 - Jun 2020

Disclaimer: I don't share concrete details about products of my current and previous workplaces. I do share the technology stack and mention some people I have worked with.


  • Frontend:

    React, Redux (and friends), Ant Design, react-dnd, etc

  • Dev-ops:

    NRWL Nx, Github Actions, Vercel, Storybook

  • Code Reviews:

    Reviewable (amazing service - you should try it out)

Appreciation to people and services

Shai Ainvoner

Shai has joined a project I tech-lead due to unexpected obstacles. We needed more develope...

Stas Kohut

Stas and I have worked together for many years. He is one of the best colleagues you can i...

Hillel Cohen

Hillel is a top-notch designer. His designs are beautiful, elegant, sophisticated yet stra...

Lior Benderski

Lior is a passionate product person. He is fully engaged in the product, has a unique way...

Gonen Radai

Gonen is an architect of one of the core software of Kaltura. As the software we are worki...


Work Projects


Kaltura | 

Backoffice Application

Jan 2015 - May 2017

Disclaimer: I don't share concrete details about products of my current and previous workplaces. I do share the technology stack and mention some people I have worked with.


  • Frontend:

    AngularX, Typescript, Observables

  • Dev-ops:

    Lerna, Webpack, Storybook

Appreciation to people and services

Amir Chervinski

In every company that I worked at, I always had one person I completely opened to. My wife...

Stas Kohut

Stas and I have worked together for many years. He is one of the best colleagues you can i...


Work Projects


Tvinci | 

turn-key platform for Over-theTop TV

Jan 2007 - Jan 2009

Disclaimer: I don't share concrete details about products of my current and previous workplaces. I do share the technology stack and mention some people I have worked with.

Useful links

  • Article about the acquisition by Kaltura

Appreciation to people and services

Ido Wiesenberg

Ido and I have known each other since first grade. Through all the years at school, we mad...

Ori Kats

Ofer Shayo


Community Projects

Isuf Web Application

Oct 2020 - Present

I created the Isuf (Pick-up, in Hebrew, ״איסוף״) web application when Covid-19 started to affect our...


  • More then 40K scheduled pickups during 2021
  • Easily and quickly choose your child's pick-up time each day of the week
  • Unique data structure to allow both parents to manage their children
  • Simplified login process for parents, secured 2FA login process for staff
  • Realtime updates on pick-up changes
  • Mobile first experience
  • Multi-tenancy and Stateless server (Coming soon)


  • Frontend:


  • Frontend:


  • Server:

    Backendless (Present), Next.JS (Coming next version)

  • Site Hosting:


  • SMS Integration:

    Telnyx, Twilio

  • Monitor:


  • Realtime updates:

    Pushover (android app), Slack integration

Appreciation to people and services

Dana Raviv

Dana is a super designer. She is a combination of uncompromising professionalism, immersed...

Moshe Sakal

Moshe is my big brother and appreciated novelist who is always happy to help me. Moshe to...

Limor Hirsh

Limor is the manager of the daycare at my kid's school. Thanks to years of friendship sinc...

Ligal wiz (Company)

LegalWiz provides legal services, and they collaborate between law, technology, and custom...

Work Projects

Covid-19 work adjustments

Jan 2020 - Jan 2021

Covid-19 created a new reality where we were forced to works from our homes. I found myself spendin...

Appreciation to people and services

Eitan Avgil

A remarkably good person and colleague


Work Projects


Jan 2011 - Jan 2015

Disclaimer: I don't share concrete details about products of my current and previous workplaces. I do share the technology stack and mention some people I have worked with.

OWapps was a company I have joined, initially ran by Samer, Jonathan, and Rami until I have joined as the fourth founder. During those years, we did many consultants and, in parallel, worked on a cutting-edge product that was supposed to impact the market significantly. Eventually, we decided to pursue new adventures separately.

Appreciation to people and services

Samer Kawar

Jonathan Wax

Rami Heleg


Work Projects


Matrix | 

Bank Mizrahi Project

Jan 2005 - Jan 2007

At Matrix, I was part of the server team, writing the server for Bank Mizrahi web. It was a challeng...


  • Framework:

People I met (and cherish)

Isaac Calavres, Dima Golder, Kobi Magnezi, Eran Broner, Ori Hever, Inbar Burstine, Avi Kachlon, Ada Kalinski, Maria Ristov, Ira Paz, Samer Kawar, Shahar Hevrony, Polina Vaisberg, Eyal Resissman, Anat Biton, Gil Allouche and more